Sunday, October 24, 2010


*Blog #10
"Some questions linger in Governor's race"

Many questions are still out there in the race for next
Governor of Maine , while independent  candidate
Eliot Cutler  closes the gap on Paul LePage.

Allow me to play "reporter."(Moving from my usual role as
political consultant/campaign manager).
I was a TV-Radio news and sports director in Maine and the
mid-west during part of my career and general manager of a
weekly newspaper in Augusta.
It's time to have some fun again.

Q- For all candidates.
*How are you going to fund the enormous unfunded liability
in state pensions? How is the state going to pay $4.2 billion
dollars that is owed Maine's retirement system?
None of you have adequately answered that question.

Q- For Libby Mitchell.
*Given Maine's poor national rankings - how do you explain your 
statements that you have successfully  championed  small 
businesses and education?
*Don't you always get a lousy rating on "business issues" 
from the Maine Economic Research Institute?
(20% on votes favorable to Maine business-Maine
Economic Research Institute- Senate report card).
*Isn't Maine 50th in business environment? (Forbes).
*Aren't we also way down in the pack for learning results 
while spending far above the nations' average on schools?
*Does your long- time connection to the teachers unions
prevent you from embracing the idea of charter schools
in Maine that could provide choice and competition?
*Are your very liberal positions on environmental issues
and business regulations responsible for the inability
of Maine to move forward economically?
*Do you honestly believe that while holding leadership
positions as President of the Senate and Speaker of the
House that Maine has made any real progress?
*Are you consistently representing a minority point of 
view in Maine on social issues?
*What new proposals have you made that would change
the unacceptable status quo?

*Do you believe that you have listened "to the people?"

Q-For Eliot Cutler.
*What is the real difference between you and the Democrat
candidate for Governor?
*Didn't you say (on the Ray Richardson TV show) that  you 
voted  for the tax reform that established numerous new sales
taxes  before it was overturned by the people in referendum- 
and, that the people made a mistake?
*Didn't you  say if elected you would fight for the return
of "gay marriage"-another piece of legislation rejected by the
people in referendum?
*When you say you will put a stop to all this "bickering and
division" between the two political parties in Augusta-are
you forgetting  that there only two independents serving in
the Legislature ?
*Haven't you refused, like Libby Mitchell, to"take tax increases
off the table"-while calling yourself the most fiscally conservative
*Are you really just another democrat who gave major
personal contributions to Obama and Pingree in the last
election and previously served in the Carter democrat
administration ?
*Have you ever served in any elective office?
*How much time  have you spent in Maine during your
adult life?
*While in China did you in fact represent interests that cost
jobs in America?
*Are you really "independent, just like Maine," when the
two top veteran lobbyists at the state house, (one 
for Maine's labor unions) are supporting you with
a P.A.C. (political action committee) running advertising
on your behalf?

Q-For Paul LePage
*You have called for full 55% funding for state aid to
education and full payment of $378 million dollars owed
hospitals by the state.
How do you do this while "cutting taxes?"
*Where is all this money coming from-is that why you
had to back off from your early tax cutting promises
and say "well... reduced taxes may have to wait until
my second term?"
*Would you really refuse some federal funds that go to pay
for education in Maine?
*Are special education students at risk under your plans?
*Will your policies be harmful to education, welfare
recipients and our environment?
*Is the association with the "tea party" movement
a plus or minus?
*Are you  an "extremist," especially on the
social issues?
*Do you mean it when you say many welfare recipients 
abuse the system and should be given a ticket back to 
*What did you mean when you said on the Howie
Carr radio show and in a Bill Nemitz newspaper interview-
"they are calling me a draft-dodger?"
*Does your biography indicate your Masters Degree 
from UMO back in 1975 -was obtained while
employed in  Canada?
*Finally, can you learn to control your temper and
surround yourself with great advisors who will help
you turn our state around?

That was fun-acting as a newsman-questioning all three 
leading candidates, just like old times. "Hard ball" but
"fair and balanced."
Of course, now I've got everybody p.o.'d, but there is
no reason why the candidates should not be willing to
address all the questions during a campaign.
Frankly,  softball questioning  of the candidates by the media
in the debates and forums  does not serve the voters well.
Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions-the voters
are looking for answers.
Otherwise 20+% of voters would not be undecided with
only a few days to go.

As a political "junkie" and a close observer of political
campaigns, I know there are some questions still lingering 
out there..
And, as a relatively new internet "political blogger,"
I would be less than a   reporter and
opinion giver, if I didn't pursue some of these answers
for the voters of Maine.

In my next "political blog"  on the
eve of the election-I plan to devote this column to
the POSITIVE qualities and positions of each candidate.
At that time I will give the reasons why Paul LePage,
Libby Mitchell, and Eliot Cutler are each qualified
to be the next Governor of Maine.

Unlike many disgruntled people-I believe that 
as usual  in Maine-we are blessed with fine candidates
(and that includes all five running for Governor).

Observations on events since the last blog-

Currently  published poll results point to Cutler's surge
coming exclusively from Mitchell- since she dropped
while undecideds remained the same or slightly increased,
and LePage's support was unchanged.

This election, if 20+% remain undecided- is still in play.
Even if the spread between LePage and challengers Mitchell
and Cutler is 12 or 13 points, it is "not over until it's over,"
as Yogi Berra would say.

Actually there is a glaring error in the math of the latest
Critical Insights-Maine Today Media poll.
When you add: LePage  32, Mitchell 20, Cutler 19, 
Moody 5, and Scott 1: the total is 77%.
That leaves 23% undecided-not 21% as stated in the poll.
(I assume that it was a typo).
So, if it is 23% and LePage has a 12 point lead over
the closest contender, a candidate that gets 13 of
the 23 points available overtakes the leader.
(That is if LePage doesn't move higher).

Conclusion: If you are going to vote for LePage
you have made your mind up.
Mitchell's support appears to be dropping.
Shawn Moody is going to pick up a couple more points.

If Eliot Cutler can get 60% of the remaining
undecideds as they break here in the final days
remaining-then the election of Nov.2  will not produce
a winner for several days thereafter.

Here's how I see it-Cutler is closing rapidly.
He now benefits from newspaper endorsements from
across the state.
First, the Bangor Daily News and a couple of weeklies.
Now, as predicted and anticipated, "Maine Today Media,"
Portland, Waterville and Augusta have endorsed Cutler.
LePage did not interview with "Maine Today" because
he believed the endorsement was "baked in the cake"
since the publisher and Cutler grew up together in
Bangor. (He changed his mind about the interview
at the last minute- but the papers said it was too late).

I believe that 1 of every 3 voters cannot be shaken
from their support of LePage.
He does not get less than 33%.
Factor in up to 10% for Moody and Scott.
That leaves 57% to be divided between Mitchell and
For either one  to reach 34%  they would have to beat the
other 34-23.
If these assumptions are correct- then with Mitchell apparently
fading-Cutler becomes the only remaining threat.
Cutler needs to collect the vast majority of remaining
undecideds to make it a photo finish.

I hope LePage and the Republicans are planning
a big final weekend public rally-they need it.
In the final analysis, I still think a tsunami of
national discontent will reach Maine  on election day
and save LePage.

After exploring many imperfections in all the candidates
( I have learned during this campaign that indeed we
are "all human), I again conclude that LePage is
right on the issues.

It is time for a dramatic change to the status quo,
and "nibbling at the edges" will not get the job done.
It is interesting to note that Maine Today Media
endorsements seemed to think that way on their
surprising picks of Scontras  and Levesque (two
Republican conservatives) in the congressional elections,
but not in the governor's race where the Republicans
have a great shot at victory.

I wonder if LePage's name was  written "in the book,"
while as a homeless child he lived and "fought "for survival
on the streets of Lewiston?
Perhaps there he  learned how to face and  handle the kind 
of adversity now challenging the previously "great state of
Maine" and the candidate himself.

Don Roberts

Next weekend-why we are lucky to have good
candidates... who we endorse... and final predictions.

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