Saturday, October 30, 2010


Blog # 11
"Joie de vivre!"

The voters of Maine are about to elect the next Governor on the basis
of the critical issues that face us instead of personalities or newspaper
That is good!

Since I had the good fortune and experience in the fall of last year to
help Paul LePage put together his early campaign, perhaps I can
provide some personal insight.

I have always felt that LePage is right on the issues, at least on those
that I consider most critical.
Helping him write his original issue positions, I found that we agreed
on: a new public-private partnership with business to create jobs, less
onerous regulations, no new taxes, smaller government, and traditional values.

LePage is a product of his environment and his childhood was violent.
One of eighteen children, he was abandoned to live on the streets of a tough
section of Lewiston.
It was there that he learned harsh lessons molding his character and
He learned to be "a street fighter- he had no choice.

That childhood experience may have produced a veneer that makes him
appear rough to some, but check out the compassionate side of this man.
What he has done for his family, his adoption of a needy Jamacian boy,
what he has done for youth organizations and the less fortunate in his
community of Waterville.

Ask Charlie Gaunce at Central Maine Motors, John Fortier at State
Farm, and the many others-who are such believers in Paul's leadership
qualities that they would follow him "through the gates of hell."

The positive lessons learned by LePage from Lincoln Street in
Lewiston are courage in the face of adversity, and the will to survive by
never giving up.
These are the qualities that have brought him success as Mayor of Waterville,
General Manager of Marden's, and gave him the perseverance to earn an
excellent education.

LePage is no danger to anyone- except maybe the liberal politicians who 
have run our state for too long.
A true conservative-he understands business at a time when Maine badly
needs jobs.

I am glad that  since I worked with him last year, Paul is now listening 
to campaign advice which has put him in a position to win.

I am happy to give him my endorsement and my vote on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Maine will have a "different kind of governor" and that is what we need.

Paul LePage may have made some personal political mistakes in this
campaign- but he is still that same "kid from the streets of Lewiston,"
who has grown and earned his chance to serve the state he loves.


In my previous blog I said that we were lucky to have excellent candidates,
all of whom are qualified to be Governor.

Libby Mitchell
A wonderful career in government and politics.
She has achieved distinction as the only woman to serve Maine as both
President of the Senate and Speaker of the House.
Mitchell is correct when she says that she has been a fighter for the people.
Especially those people less fortunate than many of us.
She has also been a true champion for education.

Mitchell, in any other election would have been the odds-on favorite.
Unfortunately for her- 60% of Maine and national voters feel we are
in serious trouble and headed in the wrong direction.
So she is seen as part of the problem rather than part of the solution
at a time when everyone is "mad as hell."
She has been unable to make the case for her record and policies,
so may be facing an ignominious finish to her career.
Even though I have disagreed with Mitchell over the years on just about
every issue except maybe education, I must admit a slight twinge of 
empathy for her situation.
Nobody should question her hard work and dedication to the causes
that she believes in.

Eliot Cutler
Cutler's world-class experience in international law and business
certainly qualify him as an executive.
He has the credentials and he might actually be able to attain some
success in attracting trade and business to Maine.
He also can lay claim to a "clean campaign."
Cutler appears gubernatorial in the debates, and as a former democrat
running as an independent has attracted a large vote from that "party."

Cutler is closing fast but is unable to attract enough moderates and
conservatives away from LePage.
Independents also don't like his position on taxation along with his
background in big government at the federal level.
His positions on social issues mirror that of Mitchell.
Limited residency in Maine and a general distrust of big-time lawyers
also hurts him.
He is surging fast and probably will finish a close second.
Actually, although his non-negative approach to the campaign may
be noble-it may have cost him the election because of an unwillingness
to "take LePage out."

Paul LePage
LePage qualifies for Governor because of his highly successful experience
in municipal government and business.
His real life Horatio Alger story, rising from being a homeless child in
Lewiston to eventually gaining a Masters Degree in Business Administration
and success in business and politics, gives him immense appeal to all who
root for the underdog.
LePage can claim an actual record of reducing taxes and reducing the size
of the municipal government that he has run.
In addition he has a record of producing jobs in his executive position with
He is also a candidate who listens to the people.

LePage has apparently overcome many gaffes during this campaign.
The stars are aligned for him.
In any contest luck plays a role.
LePage runs at a time when people are looking for a "conservative"-
someone who will stop the spending and return government to the people.
This is going to be a "wave election," and that wave is going to sweep him
into the Blaine House, warts and all.
Also, the fact that Independent Eliot Cutler is taking half the democrat votes
away from nominee Libby Mitchell is that "luck" that we are talking about.

Shawn Moody and Kevin Scott
Both of these independent candidates deserve kudos and credit for their
hard work and participation.
Moody, a highly successful small businessman, especially distinguished 
himself with his studious approach to the issues and a welcome sense
of humor that led to enjoyment in the debates.
Moody could be a candidate for some role in the next administration.

Here's the call:

LePage   38%
Cutler     32%
Mitchell  25%
Moody     4%
Scott        1%

We are about to see a major anti-incumbent tsunami nationwide-
sweeping Paul LePage and many Republicans into office.

LePage's fellow franco-americans are about to celebrate a
"joie de vivre" unimagined until now, when Maine's new
governor is elected.

There will be many surprises in Maine Senate and House races.

Tuesday night may be the most fun for a conservative since
Ronald Reagan.

Don Roberts

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