"blog # 7
"Even bull-shit is o.k. now!"
Pity poor radio/tv talk show host Ray Richardson.
He has committed the cardinal sin of criticizing Paul LePage.
His frustration was palatable as he confessed that he had actually
weeped after becoming the recipient of LePage supporters rage.
Richardson, a conservative Republican talk show host and supporter
of LePage for Governor , called the candidate out for his use of swear
words in press conferences and seeming lack of candor later.
The result was a deluge of invective showered on Richardson by
We know exactly how Richardson feels.
The whole Richardson-LePage dust-up goes to the heart of this
year's election where the new phrase is "politics unusual."
Here in Maine and throughout the nation-voters are so enraged
that no mis-step, no revelation, no conduct unbecoming, is going
to affect their support for a new, non-incumbent, anti-government
Richardson's experience with LePage supporters is illustrative of
what is happening in this election year.
LePage commits numerous gaffes on his coastal railway" express"
The next poll shows he gained in his lead.
It is revealed that LePage owns no property and pays no property
taxes in Maine.
His wife established Florida residency, and claimed homestead
property tax exemptions here and there, and big savings
in children's college tuitions.
Lepage lengthens his lead in a new-different poll.
LePage visits the press at the state capitol, walks out in a huff,
later swears at a reporter in Bangor.
Latest poll: Lepage leads 45 to Mitchell's 27 to Cutler's 14.
Rasmussen polling changes Maine" leaning Republican" to now
"solidly Republican."
All of this serves to identify the intense foul mood of the public-
they don't care what "their candidate" says or does, and when
he is criticized they "circle the wagons."
Paul LePage will be the next Governor of Maine.
You can clearly read it in the "tea leaves."
All Ray Richardson was trying to do is point out that after
election- LePage will have to govern.
Richardson, as much as he opposes Libby Mitchell, does not
want us to give LePage a pass on conduct unbecoming the
He wants LePage held to standards of moral conduct, honesty,
truthfulness and integrity- in which he Richardson strongly
After all- these are the trademarks that have made LePage
immensely popular.
We keep trying to make the next Governor understand that
you can't just say anything you please, make things up, swear
at reporters-and make us all proud.
Richardson and the rest of us believe that LePage is the right
man at the right time because of his positions on the critical
issues, and because of his record while Mayor of Waterville.
All of that, even coupled with an 18 point lead in the
polls, does not and should not give him a free pass to embarrass
Please don't shoot the messenger, instead accept some well-
meaning advice.
This is indeed a strange political year-when none of the usual
rules apply.
But, remember the real job begins after election.
Show us some "class" to go along with your determination to
make Maine better.
We cannot afford another disappointment like the one in
Washington, that has followed the last election.
Good luck in the debates.
Don Roberts
Last year I served as political consultant/campaign launch
manager for the LePage campaign.
Since starting my new political blog a couple months ago,
I have from time to time used this forum to offer some
"tough love" advice to the candidate.
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