Sunday, August 29, 2010


"The Real America"

Many questions have been raised about the tea party movement.
The "restore America's honor" rally led by Glen Beck answered

The press grudgingly admitted that the crowd was huge, some
estimates as high as half a million, while still inserting usual code-
words like "predominantly white" etc.
Al Sharpton's counter-rally, they had to admit-drew a few thousand.
Funny they didn't insert "predominantly black" in that coverage.
Or mention the "content of his character."

The point is that Beck fooled them all-squashing the claim that
the tea party is racist. 
Hundreds of Afro-American leaders joined him on the podium in
a show of unity to "take America back."

As I carefully appraised faces in the crowd (on C-Span) it
occurred to me that these people from all over America didn't look
like wild eyed fanatics-on the contrary, they  looked like me and
my wife.

Up to this point, I have not been a big Glen Beck fan, but his
theme of revival in America was perfect-faith, hope and charity.
There was no acrimony, prayers included the President and Congress,
even though the vast majority had come because of their current
intense displeasure with both.

Beck is right that our best hope in times like these is to restore faith
in America by returning to our belief in almighty God and his
The American people grow weary of strife, of class warfare and
disregard  for the "will of the people" by those we've elected.
As for charity-that was clearly on display in all the calls for unity
rather than divisiveness, and the over five million dollars raised
for special forces  families of those killed in war.

The liberal fiscal and moral agenda advanced by our new President
and the Democrat leadership in Congress has brought us to our
Now, while there, let's take the opportunity as suggested at the
rally "to pray."

Pray that God will guide us on a path to restoration of our sacred
honor and fundamental values that made us the greatest country
in the world.

A major purpose of the "tea party" rally was to honor those who
have given the "last full measure" in order to help and protect
the less fortunate in other countries and to protect us here at

I want what the people attending that rally desire:

A return to the realization that in America the majority are good,
God fearing people who believe in self-reliance and responsibility.
We do not want a hand-out, we want a hand-up, a decent job
and respect.
We do not feel we are entitled to anything-but what the efforts
we put forth can bring us in reward. We would just like to keep 
enough of it to provide for our families and for our small businesses
to survive.
We do not fear or discriminate against those who come here
to seek a better life-we merely ask for assimilation and eventual
legal status. (Also sensitivity when deciding  to build a 
mosque at "ground zero.")
We always have and always will "help those less fortunate-
unable to help themselves."

What we don't want is government intrusion in our private
lives as we pursue the promise of liberty and justice for all.

We the people" endowed by our creator with certain inalienable
rights" are worried that our current leaders no longer under-
stand the "real America."

As evidenced at the rally on the mall in Washington, surrounded
by the monuments to our late great leaders, this attempt to
turn us towards socialism and a one world government 
"will not stand."
The future of America  and the World as we know it is now 

A defense mounted in faith, hope and charity can restore our 
honor, integrity and goodness.

After the tea party rally in Washington, my questions have
been answered. These people are o.k. , they are us.
The folks who attended represent the last best hope that we
will awaken, and as Dr. King so eloquently stated 47 years
ago..."we shall overcome."

God bless America.

Don Roberts

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